A simple PostgreSQL client library written in Modern C++.

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libpqmxx is an unofficial C++ 11 client API for PostgreSQL.

The aim of this library is to provide an API very simple to use without any compromise on performances. Modern C++ features such as variadic templates are used to make the programing interface slick, very easy to use and the code to read.

  • Automatic detection of the PostgresSQL datatype from C++ parameter's type:

      cnx.execute("SELECT from_date FROM titles WHERE emp_no=$1", 10020);

    Because 10020 is an int in C++, the library will bind this parameter to a PostgreSQL integer.

  • One single method to get a column value from a row independently of the data type:

      int32_t emp_no = row.as<int32_t>(0);
      std::string title = row.as<std::string>(1);
  • Supports of PostgreSQL arrays:

      auto array = cnx.execute("SELECT ARRAY['hello', 'world']").asArray<std::string>(0);
      std::string hello = array[0];
      std::string world = array[1];
  • Use of the range-based for statement to iterate through the result.

      auto &employees = cnx.execute("SELECT emp_no, first_name || ' ' || last_name FROM employees");
      for (auto &employee: employees) {
        std::cout << row.as<int32_t>(0) << row.as<std::string>(1) << std::endl;
  • Results with only one row can be accessed directly without using the iterator:

      auto &employee = cnx.execute("SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE emp_no=$1", 10001);
      std::cout << employee.as<std::string>(0) << std::endl;
  • nullptr can be used to set a null value.

      cnx.execute("INSERT INTO titles VALUES ($1, $2, $3::date, $4)",
                  10020, "Technique Leader", "1988-02-10", nullptr);

The online API documentation is available on gitbook.
If you are looking for the official C++ client library fro PostgreSQL, please visit pqxx.org.


#include "postgres-connection.h"
#include "postgres-exceptions.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace db::postgres;

int main() {

  Connection cnx;
  try {


      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employees;

      CREATE TABLE employees (
        emp_no      INTEGER         NOT NULL,
        birth_date  DATE            NOT NULL,
        first_name  VARCHAR(14)     NOT NULL,
        last_name   VARCHAR(16)     NOT NULL,
        gender      "char"          NOT NULL,
        hire_date   DATE            NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (emp_no)


    std::cout << "Table created." << std::endl;

    int employees = cnx.execute(R"SQL(

      INSERT INTO employees VALUES


    std::cout << employees << " have been added." << std::endl;

    std::cout << "The three oldest employees are: " << std::endl;

    auto &oldest = cnx.execute(R"SQL(

      SELECT first_name, last_name, DATE_PART('year', now()) - DATE_PART('year', birth_date)
        FROM employees
       ORDER BY birth_date
       LIMIT 3


    for (auto &row: oldest) {
      std::cout << "- " << row.as<std::string>(0) << " " << row.as<std::string>(1)
        << ", " << row.as<double>(2) << " years old." << std::endl;

    auto &employee = cnx.execute(R"SQL(

      SELECT first_name, last_name, DATE_PART('year', birth_date)
        FROM employees WHERE birth_date = $1::date

    )SQL", "1973-11-07");

    std::cout << employee.as<std::string>(0) << " "
      << employee.as<std::string>(1) << " is born in "
      << employee.as<double>(2) << std::endl;

    int deleted = cnx.execute(R"SQL(

      DELETE FROM employees
        WHERE DATE_PART('year', birth_date) = $1 AND gender = $2

    )SQL", 1973, 'M').count();

    std::cout << deleted << " employees records have been deleted." << std::endl;

    return 0;
  catch (ConnectionException e) {
    std::cerr << "Oops... Cannot connect...";
  catch (ExecutionException e) {
    std::cerr << "Oops... " << e.what();

  return -1;
Table created.
20 have been added.
The three oldest employees are: 
- Sumant Peac, 44 years old.
- Mayuko Warwick, 44 years old.
- Lillian Haddadi, 43 years old.
Mary Sluis is born in 1973
2 employees records have been deleted.


Using cmake.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.5)
project (myproject)

# C++ standard 11 minimum is required

# Configure libpq
find_package(PostgreSQL REQUIRED)

# Configure libpqmxx

# Configure your project
add_executable(myproject ${PROJECT_FILES})
target_link_libraries(myproject ${LIBPQMXX_LIBRARIES} ${PostgreSQL_LIBRARIES})


  • Linux x86_64 gcc 4.9, gcc 5, clang 3.6, clang 3.7.
  • Mac x86_64 XCode 7.x
  • Windows x86_64 Visual Studio 2015 Update 2
